Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sao Carlos City - last city

We are in Sao Carlos City at the moment. Our last city & only 2 more nights to go. Time has flown by! We will upload photos from Sao Carlos to the blog soon.
We had a great day today(sat 24th) - visited a boutique winery this morning -Vinicola Bonucci, then to another amazing place for Almoço (lunch) - Damha. It was just fantastic! You must see photos (coming soon) and then an Aeroplane museum this afternoon.
Tomorrow (Sunday) we are heading to a lake/activity park for most of the day with our families, and then Monday we drive to Ribeirao Preto to catch our plane to Sao Paulo. We are all sad to be leaving our wonderful families!
More updates & photos coming.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm sure my sister Charlotte went on this exchange, but not much evidence of her on the blog, hmmm, what do I make of this??